How do I submit a ticket via email?

How do I submit a ticket via email?

How to submit a ticket via email

1.       Create a new email to the following address:

·         For support with the ALS Website or ALS Never Surrender Foundation, send support email to

·         For support with the ALS iNVOLVE patient app, send support email to

·         For support with ALS eNGAGE institution app, send support email to


2.       In the subject line, enter a few words to describe your problem or question. For example: If you are having trouble submitting e-consent forms, enter “E-consent forms”, or if you are having trouble using the tap activities, enter “Tap Activities”.

3.       In the body of the email, include the following:

·         Your full name.

·         A description of the problem: For problems, enter as much information as you can to describe how to reproduce the problem. Include the pages you accessed, the buttons and features you tapped, data you entered in the forms, and error messages displayed by the app. The more information you provide, the more quickly we will be able to resolve the problem. For enhancement requests, enter a description of the enhancement and how the enhancement would help you and other users use the app.

·         Specify a priority: Let us know the priority for fixing this issue. If the problem prevents you from accessing and completing any of the activities, use “High” priority. If you found a work around for the problem, then use “Medium”. If the problem doesn’t prevent you from completing activities, use “Low”.

·         Include attachments: Attach photos, screen shots, or any other files that will help us respond to the ticket.

4.       Send the email.

After you send the email, one of our customer support team members will contact you.

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